Matt Faltyn

B.Arts Sc. (Honours)

Matt enjoys solving problems at the intersection of the biomedical, computational, and mathematical sciences. His interest in biomedical research began when he entered the Arts & Science Undergraduate Program at McMaster University in hopes of entering medical school. After the first three semesters, he decided to pursue a growing interest in mathematics and combined his Arts & Science program with the Mathematics program (similar to a double major). He earned an Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science and Mathematics degree from McMaster University in 2021.

Fast-forward to today and Matt is a Master of Science in Mathematics (Applied Mathematics) student at the University of British Columbia under the supervision of Dr. Elina Robeva in the Department of Mathematics and the Institute for Applied Mathematics. His current research focuses on tensor decomposition applications to convolutional neural networks. In addition to his work in the biomedical sciences, he is a student in the Graduate Pathway on Blockchain and Decentralized Trust Technologies Training Program in Blockchain@UBC where he uses deep learning techniques to generate insights from blockchain data.